Japan’s North Korea human rights improvement NGO”KoreaOfAll(KOA)”

KOA Regulations

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NGO 「Modumoija」 Constitutional

Article 1, NAME

The name of this group will be in 「modu-moi-ja」

Article 2, PURPOSE

  • The return of North Korean-Japanese citizens beginning from December 14,1959, to 1984-the Japanese citizens(of North Korean ancestry)and their spouses and children-to tell the people of Japan and the entire world of their plight.
  • It will conduct international activities to find out the legal responsibility for human rights violations committed by North Korea and conduct research on human rights damage in North Korea to prevent such tragedies from recurring in human history.
  • To work towards the swift return of Japanese abductees and also the North Korean-Japanese citizens back to Japan: the freedom for North Koreans of Japanese citizenship in North Korea to be able to travel freely: to seek the help of international organizations such as Citizen’s Alliance, HRW, Amnesty International, etc. to work with the Japanese government and intemational organizations such as the UN to highlight this issue.
  • To utilize and cooperate with all forms of media, such as TV, newspaper, magazines, and journalists, to work with international organizations and groups to report on and bring this issue to light.
  • Japanese language program for abductees who have been returned to Japan, North Korean-Japanese citizens who have returned to Japan, and programs and classes for social adjustment, resettlement back to Japan, programs specifically for elderly citizens who have returned – and to press the Japanese government to provide social welfare programs targeted to these returnees.
  • To work with and for the North Korean defectors who have returned to Japan, to train them to be leaders of a future, reunified Korea.
  • To work towards a world and a society without strife and war, to work towards peace in the Korean peninsula.
  • To welcome all people, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religious belief, to this organization `Korea Of All` so that we can all work towards peace. In order to achieve this, we will utilize all methods, such as conferences, meetings, events, lectures etc.

Korea OF All will work under the premise of the following `slogan`:
〝For tomorrow‘s Korea〝, 〝For tomorrow`s Asia〝, 〝For tomorrow`s World〝

Article 3, MEMBER

Membership is open to anyone who agrees to the purpose and values of the organizations, and will be welcomed to join regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or religious beliefs.


  • The Executive Diretor will be decided by the general assembly of the group, as recommended by the Board of Directors.
  • Branch offices of `Korea Of All` can and will be established anywhere else in the world.
  • Officers of the organization will be set at 10 members/officers.
  • These officers will be in charge of selecting members to fill important positions such as the treasurer, and other positions.
  • A general meeting wil be held once a year, whereby a yearly review wil be held, and financial matters reviewed, and votes taken for the following year`s positions.
  • Donations and membership fees wil be the main source of funding for the opera tion of the organization.

Article 5, FINANCIAL

Regular membership fee will be yearly, 1,000,000 Japanese yen
For North Korean defectors:1,000yen
For students:One Coin.

Membership fee/donation-transfer address & postal address
Mitsubishi Tikyo UFJBank
Account Name: Modo-u Moija
Account number:0170183

〒135-0016 Kobayashiso202,Toyo1-8-7, Kotoku in Tokyo

TEL: +81-50-1365-5987, FAX: +81-50-1365-5987 COPYRIGHT © KOA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LOGIN